Kimba Arem is President of Radiance Health and is a member of the Board of Directors. She has been practicing subtle energy modalities for nearly 30 years. During a near death experience in 1992, she was shown that at the basis of everything is vibration – a profound insight that informs her work.
In addition to a rigorous scientific background in Molecular and Cellular Biology, acupuncture/Chinese Medicine, and training plus years of use of the Russian subtle energy devices Bio-well (she is one of the US distributors as well) and Imago, she has practiced music therapy since 1998 and has studied a variety of shamanic practices from around the world since 1992. This enables her to tap into healing energies beyond the five main senses to help her create a transformative space for clients to find inner balance and harmony.
Kimba is a performer and recording artist, and has been a musician since the age of seven with classical training in piano and flute. She received a B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Arizona as a pre-med student. But following her near-death experience she was guided along a path that led her to sound therapy. In addition, she has extensive subtle energy training in herbology, Reiki (master level), nutrition, and various forms of energy technologies and modalities. She also works with laser light frequencies and color, and has incorporated these diverse elements into her unique, multi-dimensional approach.
One of her main musical instruments is a quartz-crystal didjeridu which she designed and integrates along with various indigenous and classical instruments to harmonize the human energy field– augmented with a sound table created to amplify the live music she creates and deliver into the frequency range of the human skeletal system, as well as hemi-synch light technology (optional addition).
She stewards GAEARTH, dedicated to educating and assisting the planet in gentle awakening through sound.
She produced the 10- episode series Sound of Creation, along with the Gaia team:
Some of her scored productions can be viewed here:

Available for sale in our Pharmacy
Kimba engineers/scores music for CDs and film, offers group sound journeys, didjeridu and sound therapy workshops (private and group training), and offers private sound therapy sessions here at Radiance Health.
Kimba has been an instructor for Dr. Andrew Weil’s Integrative Medicine program and was the musician for his Healthy Aging tour. Her sound therapy CDs currently in print include Self-Healing with Sound and Music with Kimba Arem and Dr. Andrew Weil, Waltz of the Moon, Vibrational Sound Healing, Gaearth Dreaming, Peace Journey, The Healing Didjeridu, Creation’s Tone, Psychedelic Prayers, The Way of Water, and her latest CD, Crossing the Great Waters, is intended to guide souls through major transitions such as birth, death, expanded states of consciousness, and lucid dreaming. Her first full-length movie (which she scored and co-produced), Secret of Water, is now for sale, and is streaming on
Kimba also administers two Russian forms of energy medicine– the Imago and Bio-well devices featured at Radiance Health.
Sound Therapy Session with Kimba
As a multi-disciplined musician, Kimba’s main focus is on the live instrumentation tailored to your personal energy field, which is further amplified through a sound therapy table, which resonates within the frequency of the human skeletal structure. Other subtle energy vibratory technologies are intuitively added in, where they can help shift or augment frequencies where needed. Sound can help to re-pattern not only the water within the body, but the DNA, as well as mental and emotional patterns.
Her instruments include: Quartz crystal didjeridu, 4-chambered Celtic flute, multi-chambered Native American Flutes, waterphone, Tibetan and crystal bowls, alchemy crystal bowls, tingshas, tuning forks, Aboriginal bullroarer, the voice (harmonic overtoning and chants and prayers from cultures around the world), and various percussion instruments.
Other subtle energy Russian technologies Kimba is trained in are variables that can be tailored to each individual, based on their needs and requests.
Your session includes these subtle energy modalities (certain items are optional):
- Sound therapy table, which amplifies the live music she creates that is tailored to your energy field – learn more »
- Bio-well energy field readings before and after treatment – learn more »
- Biomat far infrared therapy – learn more »
- Music of the Plants accompaniment – learn more »
- Binaural beat light and sound machine – learn more »
- Personalized flower essence treatment – learn more »
- Personalized aromatherapy treatment – learn more »
- Reiki (Kimba is trained as a Reiki master) – learn more »
- Green laser light – learn more »
- Water and/or a crystal enriched by your session can be created and given to you at the end of your session.
Your session will take place in the sound therapy/crystal bowl temple room at our clinic. The quartz crystal alchemy bowls and didjeridus are available for purchase, and Kimba is available for instruction on how to use them. The crystal didjeridus for sale– see below– were designed by Kimba and Crystal Tones.
Visit Kimba Arem’s website –